Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all proposals or all assessment audits (The "IT Internal Audit") provided by any of the affiliated companies of Xetec or any of their agents to any person applying for the Services (the "Client"), and these Terms and Conditions shall govern all resulting contracts or other arrangements and constitute the entire agreement (the "Contract") between the Client and the Xetec concerning the subject matter. Save as otherwise provided, no variation to the contract shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by and on behalf of Client and Xetec.


In these terms and conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:



All Communications between CLIENT and Xetec will be commenced through E-mails and Microsoft TEAM meetings. Monthly project updates and quarterly Audit Committee meetings will be scheduled to facilitate the audit progress and address issues and concerns.






As used herein, "Confidential Information" shall include the Client Information and any information, oral or written, that a party may acquire from the other Party under the contract provided; however, that Confidential information shall not include any information which (1) is or hereafter becomes generally known to the public; (2) was available to the receiving Party on a non-confidential basis before the time of its disclosure by the disclosing Party; (3) is disclosed. By an independent third party with a right to make such disclosure. Unless required by law, neither Party shall disclose the other's Confidential Information to any person or entity except as expressly provided for herein.


The ownership of the Deliverable provided to the Client shall be vested in the CLIENT. Canada. Xetec has the right to make and retain copies of said Deliverable for the purposes of Xetec's records are subject to the provisions of Article 8 above.



Unless specifically agreed otherwise, all disputes arising out or in connection with Contractual Relationship(s) hereunder shall be governed by the substantive laws of the State of New York, USA., exclusive of any rules with respect to conflicts of laws, and be finally settled under the by one or more arbitrators appointed by the said rules. The arbitration shall take place in Toronto, Canada, and be conducted in the English language, with each Party to bear their own cost Client.We may use other XETEC Member Firms or subcontractors to provide Services; however, we remain solely responsible for the Services. You agree not to bring any claim or action against another XETEC Member Firm (or their partners, members, directors, employees, or subcontractors) or our subcontractors regarding any liability relating to the provision of Services.

Respective Responsibilities


We agree to use the Confidential Information provided by you only in relation to the services in connection with which the information is provided, and we will not disclose the Information, except where required by law, regulation, or professional obligation. However, we may give Confidential Information to other XETEC Member Firms or subcontractors assisting us in providing Services. Any party to whom we subcontract work will be required to keep Confidential Information confidential either by professional obligation or contract with us.

XETEC shall be entitled to include a description of services we render to or for you in marketing and research materials and disclose such information to third parties, provided that all such information will be made anonymous and not associated with you. Additionally, we may analyze information on an industry or sector basis for internal purposes or to provide industry/sector-wide information to our client or potential client. You consent to our using information obtained from you in this way, provided that the output therefrom will not contain any identifying features that can be attributed to you.


Professional and certain regulatory standards require us to be independent, in both fact and appearance, with respect to our clients in performing our services. We will communicate any relationships between XETEC (including its related entities) and you that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence

Offers of Employment

Any discussions with the client or any party acting on your behalf with our Firm's professional personnel regarding employment could threaten our independence. Your recruitment of an engagement team member from the current or prior year's engagement may compromise our independence and ability to render agreed Services to you. Engagement team members may include current and former partners and staff of XETEC, other XETEC Member Firms, and other firms who work under our direction. Therefore, you agree to inform us before such discussions so that you and we can implement appropriate safeguards to maintain our independence.

Electronic Communications

Both parties recognize and accept the security risks associated with e-mail communications, including but not limited to the lack of security, unreliability of delivery, and possible loss of confidentiality and privilege. Unless you request in writing that we do not communicate by Internet e-mail, you assume all responsibility and liability regarding the risk associated with its use.

By signing this agreement, you provide XETEC with express consent to communicate with you and your employees, as applicable, electronically, including sending XETEC newsletters, publications, announcements, invitations, and other news and alerts that may interest you. You and your employees may withdraw such consent at any time by contacting XETEC.

Appendix 2 – Roles and Responsibilities

Conduct of the Audit & Our Responsibilities
We will perform one or more examinations in accordance with attestation standard(s) as specified in the Scope of the Engagement section of this document. For each such examination, we will be responsible for the following:
  • Expressing an opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the description and on the suitability of the design (and, in the case of a Type 2 report, operating effectiveness) of the controls at your organization.
  • Performing each examination in accordance with the applicable attestation standard(s) specified in the Scope.
  • Planning and performing each examination to obtain reasonable assurance about whether, in all material respect, the description is fairly presented and the controls were suitably designed to achieve the related control objectives or meet the applicable trust services criteria, as at the date of or throughout the period of the report.
  • Examining the description of the service organization's system and the suitability of the design (and, in the case of a Type 2 report, operating effectiveness) of the service organization's controls to achieve the related control objectives or meet the applicable trust services criteria. This will involve performing procedures to obtain evidence about the fairness of the presentation of the description and the suitability of the design (and, in the case of a Type 2 report, operating effectiveness) of those controls to achieve the related control objectives or meet the applicable trust services criteria. Our procedures will include assessing the risks that the description is not fairly presented and the controls are not suitably designed to achieve the related control objectives or meet the applicable trust services criteria.
  • Evaluating the overall presentation of the description, suitability of the control objectives stated therein, and the suitability of the criteria specified by the service organization in its assertion.
  • Determining those procedures we consider necessary in the circumstances to obtain a reasonable basis for rendering our opinion.
  • In the event that management includes the services of one or more sub-service organizations in the Scope of the report, our responsibilities will extend to the sub-service organization(s).
The following are the limitations of an examination report:
  • For reports relevant to internal controls over financial reporting, the description is prepared to meet the common needs of a broad range of user entities and their auditors who audit and report on user entities' financial statemenClient and may not, therefore, include every aspect of Each user entity may consider the system important in its own particular environment.
  • The description of the system at your organization is as at the report date or period. Any projection of such information to the future is subject to the risk that the description may no longer portray the system in existence because of change.
  • The potential design and operating effectiveness of specific controls at your organization are subject to inherent limitations, and accordingly, errors or fraud may occur and not be detected.
  • The projection of any conclusions, based on our findings, to future periods is subject to the risk that changes may alter the validity of such conclusions.
  • The relative effectiveness and significance of specific controls at your organization and their effect on assessing control risk at user organizations depend on their interaction with the controls and other factors present at individual user organizations.
  • Our testing procedures will not extend to evaluating the effectiveness of controls at individual user organizations.
  • Our engagement cannot ensure that errors, fraud, or other illegal acts, if present, will be detected. However, we will communicate to you, as appropriate, any such matters that come to our attention.
  • Making available to us, on a timely basis, all information necessary for performing our examination and test, including but not limited to systems documentation, process documentation, contract, internal audit or other reports, and minutes of oversight committees meetings as well as access to personnel to whom we may direct inquiries. As professional standards require, we will make specific inquiries of management and others about the processes and IT infrastructure. Such professional standards also require that we obtain written representations relating to management's description of the system and the operating effectiveness of controls relating to the control objectives and/or in-scope Trust Services Principles.
  • Disclosing any significant changes in controls that have occurred within the last 12 months, any incident of noncompliance with laws and regulations, illegal act, fraud, or uncorrected errors attributable to your management or employees that may affect one or more user organizations; any relevant design deficiencies in controls or instances where controls have not operated as designed of which you are aware, including those for which management believes the cost of corrective action may exceed the benefit; and subsequent events that could have a significant effect on management's assertion(s).
  • Provide access, in a timely manner, to all information of which you are aware that is relevant to the description of the service organization's system and the statement.
  • Provide additional information that we may request for the purpose of the audit.
  • Provide unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom we determine it is necessary to obtain audit evidence.
  • If the service auditor plans to use internal auditors to provide direct assistance, providing the service auditor with a written acknowledgment that internal auditors providing direct assistance to the service auditor will be allowed to follow the service auditor's instructions and that the service organization will not intervene in the work the internal auditors perform for the service auditor.
  • Provide XETEC written confirmation concerning representations made to us concerning the audit. If appropriate and adequate written representations are not provided, professional standards require that we disclaim an audit opinion or withdraw from the engagement.

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Join hands with Xetec Service and Assurance Inc. to strengthen your organization's security posture, achieve compliance excellence, and demonstrate an unwavering commitment to safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your valuable data. With us by your side, you're not just navigating audits—you're building a foundation for trust and success in the digital age.

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